My sanity fails to interpret that one question that my fellow mates have been piloting towards me the past few weeks... "Aishu??? New watch?? Oh! My God!!!!!!!". Yes I got a Denim strapped (yeah denim strap...cool huh?? :-) ) watch.. So?? Big deal....
Come on folks.. Aishu is not Rama.. It's not like my watch is my Seetha and that I have vowed my life against not seeing another watch my entire life.. No.. No .. No.. if anything.. i am that anti-Rama matter that should have existed during Rama's 'one-life-one-watch" era... I own every watch that my optical sensors took interest in and my heart yearned for.. But of course there is this huge difference between owning something and using something that you own... I fall short..way short of fulfilling the latter half of the statement though... But to just let you know.. I own 17 watches.. Yeah you heard it rite.. 17 .... Just that your first something is so stuck to every artery of your silly emotional human heart that moving on with a newer one becomes an arduous and heart wrenching venture... Why risk the pain and effort??? My 15.5 years old "Timex" (for the sake of my brand crazy friend :-) ) watchie is pretty diligent and dedicated and hasn't failed me too often... All I need is to know the hour of the day right?? Then why flash my trendy new watch when I have my ever faithful watchie??? Watchie remains my watch forever..But I am still hospitable to the other watches that are dying to be a part of Aishu's precious watch collection... So to every one of you out there... Next time I buy a watch, 'watch' what you say....;) ;)
P.S : Brett Lee is(or was) the brand ambassador for Timex. One more reason why 'watchie' gets to stay..;-)
Lots of time machines :) but no time :) water water everywhere but not a drop to drink :)
whoz dat brand crazy friend of yours aishu? :-P
and btw..on a totally unrelated note..remember that day we were talking about brett's wife?...he is divorced now !
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