Today is one of those days where you have got a mammoth of a task to finish with time eating away your energy and optimism with each dying second and yet your deranged mind propels you to indulge in an activity which in no way will help you out of the mangled situation. Here I go...
The kind of things that gets you out of a soggy day like this is retrospection. As I ruminate over the days past, the obvious transitions I have made accentuates my banal metamorphosis. My once upon a time toddler mind, open to new ideas and blank with enthusiasm and curiosity, is now just a long lost dream. This transition brings with it the notions of greed, yearning for power, avarice , invidiousness, blah blah blah. Mortal manifestation of the seven sins. Why look for a satan elsewhere??? Try me. :-P

The transition from innocence to intellisense, from deriving joy from the smallest of things to deciding if I should be happy, from a multi dimensional mindset to science limiting my world to three dimensions, from toys and gameboards to contraptions and gadgets, from the days when staying idle was boring to boringly staying idle, from toddler feet to tanned feet, from senseless speech that magically made sweet sense to sardonic sarcasms, from cartoons to computers, from an era where i would have normally penned this down into a dogeared notepad to this, from a world of virtual reality to real virtuality, from being proud of birthdays to languishing at the very thought of growing old.
Wake up folks!!!! I have transitioned...Or haven't I??
Time for my blog to make a transition from being grandiloquent and verbose to being smooth and simple. I am going to K.I.S.S...:-P